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Attention Internet Marketers: Ready to Learn And Grow?

"Learn First Steps to Use ChatGPT in an Online Business In Less Than One Hour"

In this Course, You’ll Watch Us Work Through Getting Started In Using ChatGPT In An Online Business


ChatGPT Extended

What Are the Added Features of ChatGPT and How Do We Use Them?

ChatGPT Extended bundle

Here's exactly what you'll get inside the course...

20 HD Step By Step Over the Shoulder Instructional Tutorial Mp4 Videos Teach You ChatGPT Extended

  • Video 1 - Introducing GPTs

  • Video 2 - Prompts for Information

  • Video 3 - Create a GPT - Part 1

  • Video 4 - Create a GPT - Part 2

  • Video 5 - Saving Your GPT

  • Video 6 - File Upload Limits

  • Video 7 - Verifying GPT Builder Domain

  • Video 8- File Uploads

  • Video 9 - Plugins

  • Video 10 - Plugin Output

  • Video 11 - Multiple File Upload

  • Video 12 - Image Input

  • Video 13 - Dall-e

  • Video 14 - Custom Instructions

  • Video 15 - Combine Custom Instructions with Dall-e

  • Video 16 - Customizing a GPT

  • Video 17- Managing Shared Links

  • Video 18 - Mobile App - Voice Prompting and Output

  • Video 19 - Mobile App and Image Focusing

  • Video 20 - Managing Your Data

And here's just a sample of the impressive videos you will get access to!

How Can I Start Using ChatGPT's Extended Features In My Online Business Right Now?

You can grab ChatGPT Extended for just $17.00

When you consider all of the ways you can turn this into profit, this is a fantastic deal.

Yes! I want instant access to ChatGPT Extended which includes the following:

• 20 Over the Shoulder Videos

Regular Price: $27.00

Today only: $17.00!

To Your Success,

P.S. - You'll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you finally succeed and get results! Click one of the BUY NOW buttons to get your copy today!


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